Etrending News

Media support led to serving of Mid Day meals in Bagpali school in Almora district

The etrending news and the news of other journalists have finally compelled the senior officials of the education department and the district administration of Dhauladevi block in Almora district to commence cooking of Mid Day meals for the students of the Rajkiya Junior Madhyamuk Vidhyalaya of Baghpali in Dhauladevi block in Almora district, Uttarakhand where students were not being served the Mid Day meals for the last two days since the commencement of the classes after several months due to the pandemic lockdown.

The school management and its chairman Rajan Ram had complained about the acute water shortage in the school for the last several months, resulting in non cooking of the mid day meals infuriating the parents of the students, majority of whom hail from the lowest strata of the society. Several complaints to the area SDM as well as other officers have not been attended satisfactorily with students going unfed due to non cooking of mid day meals for want of drinking water.

The students were constrained to bring water from their house but the quantity was not enough for cooking meals. The school management and teachers were helpless confronting the ire of the parents who had demanded mid day meals n had threatened to resort to direct action if their demands were not met. They have asked to compensate them financially till the meals are not fed to students. The etrendingnews and other local journalists of the Dhauladevi block had come to the rescue of the affected students, their parents and the school management and raised the issue highlighting their plight by publishing news and ensuring that the matter reaches the higher authorities. In some of the nearby school too the students faced the same problem with nobody to listen to their grievances.

After mounting of pressure on the authorities concerned through highlighting of the issue in etrending news n other local papers, the children of Baghpali school got mid day meals the other day, thanks to print n digital media that the plight of the students got resolved finally and the Mid Day meals commenced in the Rajkiya Junior School of Baghpali in Dhauladevi block in Almora. The social activist Govind Gopal also played a pivotal role in bringing the lapse to the knowledge of the authorities and the media thus getting the matter resolved, once for all.

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