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India’s latest Covid 19 cases have reached to 70.5 lakh numbers just 70 thousand less than US with good recovery rate of 60 lakh cases

While the relaxations at the pan India level have almost been to the fullest, it seems, the people have also become careless and ignorant in terms of abiding by the anti Covid precautionery measures leading to the national infection figure crossing the seventy lakh numbers coming very close to United States of America which is on the top today constantly maintaining its massive tally of Covid 19 cases and the subsequent mortalities.

This is indeed a disturbing trend however keeping in view the massive recovery numbers of Covid 19 patients India is definitely feeling relieved. If we glance at the latest statistics of Covid 19 cases in India there are over seventy lakh n five thousand cases of Covid 19 with nearly six lakh n eight thousand patients recovered leaving the active Covid 19 cases to nearly ten lakhs during the last 7 months.

However, the mortality numbers though very low compared to US are at 1 lkh 8 thousand deaths where as in US there are 2 lakh 14 thousand fatalities in all just double the Indian Covid 19 deaths.

However, the total number of Corona virus infections in America seems to have lowered to 7.75 lakh numbers with India likely to surpass it, if the spike in the infections continue at the fast pace. What is surprising is the fact that India which few months ago used to be on the 8th n thereafter on the 3rd position after US n Brazil is today quite nearer to US with a difference of merely seventy thousand cases.

However, according to the latest reports there have been some improvement in the infection numbers since the last few days. On 16 September, the seven day average of daily acknowledged Covid 19 cases in India had touched 93, 617 numbers , considered as the highest till date.

However, this number, also referred as the daily case trajectory has been dropping steadily and stands at 72,003 on Saturday. This is down by 23% from the peak say a news report. This reversal in trajectory have been witnessed in states viz. Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh n Delhi, the state’s which witnessed maximum spike in the Covid 19 cases adding to the national numbers of total infections.

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