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India assumes third position after USA n Brazil but is quite behind in terms of Covid 19 fatality rate

India has assumed the third position in the world after USA and Brazil, in terms of acquiring eight lakh twenty one thousand cases of deadly Covid 19 with USA in first position with 12, 711, 643 Corona virus infections n Brazil second with 1,807, 496 cases. About two months ago India was in the seventh padestral in the global list of Covid 19 infections. However, in terms of recovery rates India’s performance is quite satisfactory as compared to other countries of the world being 65 percent. Similarly India is in the sixth position if its Covid 19 fatalities are taken in view. If we peep into the latest statistics of the Worldometer while there have been 5,74, 584 deaths globally the number one country known as a super power United States of America recorded the massive numbers of 5,64,584 Covid 19 fatalities followed by Brazil with 70,601 deaths. The United Kingdom comes in third position in terms of Corona virus fatalities with 44,650 Covid 19 deaths. Italy follows thereafter with about 35000 deaths. However, one time the number one country in the world to record maximum number of Covid 19 infections today Italy is in thirteenth position after Pakistan with mere 2,43000 cases. Mexico and Spain comes after Italy with 34,191 and 28, 403 fatalities. India comes thereafter with comparatively lesser number of fatalities recording 22,123 numbers. While it’s really worrisome for India to witness spiralling surge in Covid 19 cases to the tune of 27000 cases during the last twenty four hours, the fatality rate compared to other world countries and its population is quite little n satisfying.

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