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How to ensure and maintain healthy skin post menopause

Decrease in Oestrogen level can lead to an increase in the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles, cause thinner hair, decrease collagen production, increase facial hair, acne and even son spots. Other than the hot flashes, irregular periods and even profuse sweating, the skin deals with a lot of changes.

Ageing is a natural process, and Menopause comes along with it. It’s obvious at this point that dermatologists cannot just snap their fingers and turn the clock back to make us look younger. However, there exist a few ways in which your skin can look and feel better than it may be right now. So here are a few tips which one can follow to take care of their skin and make it look more and more radiant: 


It goes without saying that applying sunscreen is extremely important to have and maintain healthy skin, irrespective of age or skin type. During Menopause, though, the importance of protecting the skin from the sun is even more important because the chances of you contracting skin cancer or other pancreatic ailments are significantly higher. By applying sunscreen, however, not only do you reduce the risk of contracting cancer as a disease, but you also reduce the age spots and wrinkles that are already present and stop new ones from forming at all. 

Adult acne:

Adult acne is an issue of sorts which is considered to be very common during the Menopause phase. In case the acne situation gets out of hand, it is advised to get it immediately evaluated so that proper treatment can be planned and administered accordingly.


Oestrogen levels have a tendency to increase the amount of hair growth in the facial regions, such as above the lips, the chin, and even the jawline. Waxing can be a viable option; however, it can lead to tearing or bleeding if the skin is too thin. In such a situation, the best way to remove unwanted facial hair is to conduct Laser hair removal surgery for darker hair and electrolysis for the grey hairs.

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