
Paris’s residents kill Covid-19 lockdown boredom with a quiz session from their balconies

With a serious Covid-19 lockdown imposed on almost all regions across the globe, people have started getting bored with the monotonous routine. All of them are wholeheartedly supporting this act, but there is a need for them to do something that just kills their boredom. Staying at home all day is undoubtedly a boring task, and also, you would have by now watched enough movies and series online. Different people are coming up with distinct pastime techniques during the lockdown. Some of them have pledged to become even more productive in this tenure. While some are cooking, others are painting, singing, learning new things, or focusing on spending the whole time with their family.

What’s up with the quiz session?

Have you ever thought about spending time with your neighbors and having fun while staying the lockdown? Well, it might sound impossible for anyone to think, but it has been proved right by the residents of Paris. Reportedly, some neighbors in Paris have come up with an innovative idea of participating in interactive quiz sessions for killing their boredom. Do you know where they are doing it? They are playing these quiz sessions from none other than their balconies. Sounds fun, right? Let’s know more about this activity further in this article.

Source: https://video.news24.com/

The quiz show is held in Paris’s 11th district at Rue Saint-Bernard. With the Coronavirus lockdown completing approximately a month now, they have started spending the remaining time with this quiz session. The host of this amazing activity is none other than Cartozo, who is a majorly renowned comedian and actor. He broadcasts this game on his official Instagram handle, and each video gets applaudable 1.1 million views from worldwide. During an interview with the Reuters, Cartozo said that he came up with this idea when he witnessed his sad neighbors due to the lockdown. Thus, intending to foster the positivity and maintain a good atmosphere in his area, he presented this game.

Where did the idea come from?

The idea of this interesting quiz session hit his mind when the Paris residents used to come in their balconies daily at 8 pm to applaud the healthcare workers. During that moment, he started the music and started dancing. But after a while, he noticed that he was the sole one dancing there. But when he came up with a whole array of questions, the game finally started to take off. The diversion between the teams has been made based on the house numbers. Those with the even house numbers have been on one side of the street against the notable ones with odd house numbers. People have highly supported and praised this step as well as the diversion. Those who win are going to be felicitated with pasta and toilet paper.

On asking about this interview from the neighbors, each one of them seems to be very supportive. They said that this quiz session has made our days seem shorter. Also, talking to others and laughing with them gives a good as well as a positive feeling. The rates of coronavirus-related deaths in France have reached 10,000 this week. According to the officials, there is no scope of these restrictions to gain ease anytime soon.


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