In recent news, the Bharat jodo Yatra, an initiative taken up by the congress party, more specifically, by Rahul Gandhi, has been temporarily halted due to a security breach that took place soon after the party reached the valley. This March from Kanyakumari to Kashmir had been halted at Banihal Unnel on the afternoon of Friday, stated people who knew exactly what had happened. This breach occurred shortly after Rahul Gandhi was joined by Omar Abdullah, the former Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, in the walk.
Rahul Gandhi, in a statement, said that a huge crowd had amassed for this particular section of the walk. Still, fortunately, the walk had to be temporarily stopped due to a security breach that happened at the end of the Jammu and Kashmir police. The officers who were supposed to be on crowd control duty were not on their posts and were nowhere to be seen. Rahul Gandhi’s security detail immediately took action on this because they felt that the security risk was too much; they immediately advised Gandhi to omit himself from continuing further on this March for a short time period. However, Gandhi has admitted that he, his security detail and the Jammu and Kashmir police department will ensure that no such issues occur the next day or the day next to that. Initially, Rahul Gandhi was supposed to lead this March for another 16 km from Banihal to Anantnag but had to be halted just after 4 km.
Many of the top brass in the Congress Party have been lashing out at the administration of Jammu and Kashmir for the inept security service, or the lack of it, which was provided there. Jairam Ramesh had termed this incident “a huge security Breach”. He stated that, hopefully, better security service and crowd-controlling services would be provided by the local law enforcement for the remainder of this March. Vikar Rasool, the president of the Congress party in the state of Jammu and Kashmir, said that the Bharat jodo Yatra will resume from Awantipora and is set to finish at Pathachowk on the outer reaches of Srinagar. It is also being said that Priyanka Gandhi will also be joining the end of this March on Saturday when more women participation is expected.