
Best DIY tips on how to make a wooden bowl

Are you in love with the mild scent of timber and the continuous sound of the shavings streaming off the cutting edge? Then you will definitely want to know how to make a wooden bowl. It feels like a sense of accomplishment as a wooden bowl finally comes to life after the application of oil finish on it. Let’s delve deeper into the intricacies of making a wooden bowl:

Preparation of wood: Begin with the development of the wood. A log is still green, unseasoned, and full of sap when it arrives at the workshop. Before it dries up, you have to saw it into blogs with the help of a chainsaw. The next step involves cutting each block into a disc using a band chain.

Roughing out the wooden bowl:

If you are wondering about how to make a wooden bowl from a log, then my friend, let me tell you it is a bit difficult. It needs a lot of creativity and patience. In a lathe, the wooden block will keep on spinning. All the while, you have to give it the desired shape by using sharp-edged gouges.

Twice turning the bowl:

The part turned bowl needs to dry up completely before you go for it the second time. You have to put aside the bowl for months or years so that it dries up.

Final turning:

Many people enquire about how to make a wooden bowl on a lathe. Well, it is not that easy. But if you are creative enough, then you will definitely succeed. I put back the dried bowl on the lathe for the final turning. This is the perfect time for refining the shape. You can use sharp tools for this purpose. Also, sanding is highly recommended using a power sander.

After you are done with the sanding process, you need to finish it up with oil. You can use high-quality Danish oil for this purpose. You can coat your bowl generously with this oil.

All those who are eager to know how to make a wooden bowl must understand the fact that a bowl is the culmination of months and years of patience and hard work. If you follow the above-given steps carefully, you will, for sure, be able to make a wooden bowl all by yourself. Hope this article be of help to you.


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