
All You Need To Know About Holstein Friesian Cattle

Introduction to Deoni cow

Deoni cattle are a popular dual-purpose breed in Maharashtra. These creatures are primarily found in the Marathwada region of Maharashtra’s Latur district and the surrounding areas of Parbhani, Nanded, and Osmanabad. Deoni is a medium-sized mammal. It comes in three color varieties: Wannera, Balankya, and Shevera. The body is somewhat developed and symmetrical, with identifiable muscles. The deteriorating trajectory of the Deoni cattle breed necessitates prompt action to address the underlying causes. In order for the program to be successful in terms of conservation and enhancement, solutions must be implemented successfully. 

How to identify a Deoni cow?

Deoni cattle are a medium-sized breed of cattle. Their bodies are symmetrical and somewhat developed, with identifiable muscles. There are three color varieties of Deoni cattle. Shevera has a white body with irregular black spots, Wanera has a clear white body with black spots on the sides of the face, and Wanera has a clear white body with black spots on the lower side (Balankya). Their skin is thick and clings to their bodies loosely. Deoni cattle have a manly, alert, broad, and somewhat convex head. The Balankya strain has a fully white head, while the Shevera and Wannera strains have a black and white head. Their horns are medium in size and thick.

Artificial Insemination of Deoni cow

There are “dual-purpose” breeds whose ladies produce more milk than the average and whose males are good working bullocks. While well-defined breeds are mostly found in the country’s arid areas, it was discovered that in huge regions of the country’s east and south, where rainfall is particularly copious, the cattle are nondescript and do not belong to any definite breed. The breeding policy was typically intended to improve milk production in the country without impacting the supply of bullocks needed for farming. Every draught breed has a limited number of bulls that produce more than the average amount of milk, and by selecting bulls from this group, the population’s milk production might be gradually enhanced by additional selection and breeding. When this is done in the interior of the breeding tracts, the bulls produced can be employed in the outer areas to bring about general improvement in the overall population.

How to evaluate or pricing for a Deoni cow

Different researchers looked into the productive and reproductive characteristics of Deoni cows, and discovered that the average lactation milk yield varies between 238.86±76.0 kg to 868.24±49.56 kg, average lactation length varies from 149.43±33.52 days to 293.3±2.9 days, dry period varies from 103.66±19.78 days to 282.77±12.85 days, average daily milk yield ranges from 2.17±0.07 kg to 2.91±0.05 kg, the peak yield was observed to be 4.58 kg, age at first calving ranges from 1070.80±17.17 days to 1533 days, inter-calving period ranges from 447.0±8.0 days to 566.109±13.639 days and service period ranges from 152.14 ± 15.08 days to 286.57±13.38 days.Because Deoni cattle are primarily found in drought-prone areas of the country, it is critical to conduct genetic research on stress-related genes such as ATPA1, heat shock protein gene, and disease resistance genes.

How to maintain the cow?

Deoni Cow should be properly fed and necessary care and management mental practices should be followed to get high milk during any lactation.

  • Provide green succulent forage, as well as leguminous hay or straw, to the extent that the animal can consume it, so that it can meet all of its nutritional needs solely through forage. Extra concentrate should be provided at a rate of 1 kg per 2 to 2.5 liters of milk. To keep the lactation going, salt and mineral supplements should be given.
  • Every animal should be numbered, and information such as milk yield, fat percentage, feed consumed, breeding, drying, and calving dates should be kept track of.
  • A cow will come into heat 16 days after calving if properly fed and cared for. After a cow displays signs of heat, do not withhold service unnecessarily. The shorter the gap between calvings, the more efficient the animal is at producing milk. Maintaining accurate records of animal breeding and calving will ensure a consistent milk supply throughout the year.
  • Hand milking should be done quickly, continuously, and without jerking the teats. The whole hand should be used to milk, not just the thumb and index finger.
  • Allow for at least 60 to 90 days of dry time between calvings. The milk yield in subsequent lactations will be reduced if the dry period is insufficient.
  • Vaccinate the cows to protect them from major diseases as well as insects and pests.
  • Continue to feed on a daily basis. After milking, concentrate mix is fed as roughage before or during milking. This will keep the shed free of dust.
  • It is necessary to provide loose housing with shelter during the hottest part of the day. In a loose housing system, the animals will get plenty of exercise.
  • Cows are groomed and buffaloes are washed before milking, which aids in the production of clean milk. Brushing the coat on a daily basis will remove loose hair and dirt. Grooming the animal’s hide will also keep it pliable.
  • Wallowing buffaloes or spraying water on their bodies will keep them comfortable, especially during the summer.
  • Milking should be done on a regular basis. Milk secretion will be reduced as the amount of milk in the udder grows. Milking three times is preferable to milking twice because it produces 10% to 15% more milk.
  • Common vices should be identified correctly, and caution should be exercised. Kicking, licking, and suckling, for example.

Deoni is a popular dual purpose cattle breed from Maharashtra’s Marathwada region and is now found in adjoining parts of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. This breed is said to have evolved over the last two hundred years from a strain descended from a cross between Gir, Dangi, and local cattle. A typical Deoni cow yields between 880 and 1580 kgs of milk in a lactation period of 300 days, making it one of the best cow breeds for the job.

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